Creative / Writer / Researcher


This is an  archive of decayed projects I’ve made in the past. Most of these are incomplete or do not work and were primarily tools to learn technology. 

  • (2018) Infographic on Virtual Reality in Public Libraries [link]

Research Papers + Presentations 
  • (2018) Podcast: Hypersexualization of women in games [link]
  • (2018) NeighborSpin: a communal laundry subscription model [link]
  • (2018) Model for an inclusive hackathon [link]
  • (2018) WikiWomxn: creating a more inclusive community on Wikipedia [link]
  • (2018) Transnational Perspectives on Sexual Behavior [link]

Code + Data 
  • (2018) Mental Health and Technology - Data Wrangling using R [link]
  • (2018) Simpsons ratings - Data wrangling using R [link]
  • (2017) Sunrise: Dashboard for your morning - React app built on Javascript [link

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