Explorations in the liminal space where our inner and outer worlds meet through the lens of silence. How can silence lead to deeper understanding of the self and others?
Pulling from the New York Times’ database, creates a smattering of how the news is represented today. Included data tagging to visualize the information overload created by the news.
A video portrait about a personal narrative. Particularly about the things that built us, leading my life from India to the US. It speaks to the silent memories we messily store on our phones and the traces people leave in our lives.
A performance that facilitates conversation between two individuals - one fluent in a language, one with a limited vocabulary. How do you communicate with someone when there are gaps in language? How do you fill the awkward silence?
Collection of experiments with code. Mixture of p5.js and python experiments exploring basic concepts and techniques in computational narratives, typography, color, 3D space, and light.